28 June 2012

Day 23: We meet up with the Cairns Church Group (24/06/12)

We had been looking forward to this day a little bit, because we had heard so many positive things about the Cairns church group. We hoped that our own experience would be positive as well. We were not disappointed. We made it to the hall where the service was to be held in Trinity Beach (accepting Selina’s judgment that the stated suburb of Smithfield was incorrect) There were about 40 people there and the service got under way with a Wes Bredenhof sermon on Philippians 4:8-9. The theme was “The call to a new life”, and it was well presented and well read. Due to lack of musical accompaniment we stumbled a bit over a psalm at the end, gave up, and sang a psalm with a more familiar tune.
Coffee at the Cairns Free Reformed Church
Lunch is served

Lunchtime chatter

Doin' the dishes
Coffee followed and we got to know the people somewhat, although names always are a problem on first meeting.. Loss of short term memory is a common complaint among older people and only precedes other losses by a few years, such as keen eyesight, acute hearing and sphincter control.
But I digress. There were a lot of interesting characters present, and many stories of adaptation to a new environment, etc. There seems to be a certain vitality present amongst the group, which should stand them in good stead as they confront the inevitable hurdles they will find along their way. We hope the Lord will richly bless them in their endeavour.
Lunch was served, and then a bible study/sermon discussion was held while the kids of appropriate age were given catechism instruction.
More discussion
Young and old

Then the proceedings were wound up for the day. The hall is rented by the hour and so they make best use of the time in this way.
In the afternoon, Joke and I explored the Barron Gorge, following the road alongside the river until it ended at the hydro power station.
End of the road at Barron Gorge
Barron Gorge in late afternoon

Surprise Creek Falls - lower end

In the evening we joined in a singalong at the caravan park which featured a pair of Tasmanian singers. (Never heard of 'em!!)
The entertainers - Rino and Jade Morea
The audience - grey nomads, most of 'em

Where the sausages were sizzled and et.
Hmm, dunno what to make of it!


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