24 June 2012

Day 16: With the Presbits in Townsville (17/06/12)

Our rather cramped quarters in Townsville
We had chosen St Andrews Presbyterian Church for Sunday worship. There, the Rev Peter Barber and his Korean deputy led the service. The sermon was from 2 Peter 1, about God’s Word being sufficient for all of life. It was interesting, but we missed the reformed perspective which the church’s website seemed to promise.
Joke just read in the weekend paper that our winter’s day in Townsville is forecast to be 26ºC while Amsterdam’s summer’s day will be 16ºC!! No comment needed.
In the afternoon we went for a walk along the beach – hot winter work!! :-)
Beach works at Rowes Bay, Townsville

Joke in haar element
Castle Hill in Townsville from Rowes Bay

In the evening we went to the John Knox Presbyterian Church. Same federation as this morning, but what a difference in message! The Rev Greg Watt preached on Acts 22 vv 7-12. In contrast to the bland talk of the morning, Rev Greg really brought home not only the context of Paul’s retelling of his conversion, but also the message in the text: that God’s purpose with Paul was going to be carried out, despite the intentions of Paul at that time to the contrary. There were 11 of us listening, more’s the pity...

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