01 June 2012

The night before

It's Friday night and the journey will start tomorrow. It is eerily quiet in the Veltkamp household. No last-minute panics, no rushing about, no lists of things still to be done tomorrow (weell, only tiny lists, really). We are uncharacteristically well organised.
Pa and Moe phoned from Holland to wish us well. So did Renske and Miriam. Niels came around for last-minute instructions, and Wes came to wish us a good trip too. Nice to see and hear from everybody.
So, tomorrow we will start on a 12,400 km journey. I have been telling everybody we would do 15,000 kms, but I was a bit optimistic. Google Maps set me straight with its excellent directions feature. We have two set dates: June 22 we have to be in Cairns for my exam, and July 7 we have to be in Darwin to meet up with Renske, Miriam and Adam. For the rest we are free.
Now, if the Saints can still beat Richmond in the last quarter, all will be well. :-)