24 June 2012

Day 17: From Townsville to our first National Park stay (18/06/12)

It was Monday morning and time to be moving again.
Another ray of winter sunshine sneaks into our caravan in the early morning!
Set to escape our cramped quarters
Given that we were now some 360 kms south of Cairns, we were going to take it easy and get to Cairns in three shortish hops.  This would mean a continuation of our more leisurely style of travel, to which we had become immediately addicted. We could leave later, arrive earlier and see more on the way.
Our first first stop was at the caravan dealer we had scouted out on the net. Some friendly American had knocked my extension mirror off and broken it when we were driving up Castle Hill. So we needed a new one.
Our new improved model extension mirror
Johanna and ananassen (Dutch for pineapple - sounds like a rude word!)
Our first stop was going to be in the Paluma National Park, at a place called Crystal Creek, which had received a huge tick of approval in a blog we had read online. (Whose, we can’t remember, what with advancing age and forgetfulness and all that...)
Welcoming committee of one at Crystal Creek. He was so friendly he pooped on Joke's little red footstool!
Our campsite.
Up-to-date and with-it traveller - with slightly stained footstool...
It featured a waterhole good for swimming and boulder slides, whatever they were. Well, we would investigate and find out. Booking the place meant talking at length to the Queensland Government on the phone, but eventually the deed was done and $10.60 was transferred into their coffers. For that we got a night, a clean dunny and cold showers. And a most beautiful camp site into the bargain! It was tucked up in the foothills of the coastal range, far away from the ever-present stream of trucks, far away from just about everything, in fact. All you could hear was birdsong, the rustle of the breeze in the trees and birdsong. The waterhole was so clear you could see every stone on the bottom, and the water was fresh and cold, but not so cold that we hardy Tasmanians could not stand it.
Joke running verrry slowly into the water.
Once you were in, it was great!

Warming up afterwards.
Crystal Creek waterhole

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