26 May 2012

7 days to go...

It's d-day -7, or the Saturday before departure. The excitement is rising as we realise our long-planned trip is about to start. There is the occasional bout of tension as well. Will it all go well? Will it all go according to plan? What have we overlooked?
We started the day off very early - at least compared to our usual Saturday routine. We had arranged through Rob Southen to have new tyres put on the van. That was to take place at Goodyear down in Margaret Street at 8 a.m. So we drove off to pick up the van, raced back and then found that the place was not opening until 8:30. Time for a coffee in Cucina opposite.
We had arranged to have light truck tyres put on. When the tyres were on, I drove the van home, parked it in front of the house and we spent the day cleaning, fixing, loading gear etc. Winter gear, summer gear - probably more stuff than we will get to use.
[Picture 1: As last night's storm recedes, the caravan stands out the front in the mild sunshine.]
As the day progressed the weather got better, and it was a mild winter afternoon by the time we brought the van back to Legana.