06 July 2012

Day 30: Sunday with the Cairns Group again (01/07/12)

A cool night was bliss! We slept well and Joke felt better despite the cold. So we decided we would go down to Cairns for the day and worship with the Cairns group again. Walkamin is at about 650 metres above sea level, so going down to Cairns is just that. You drive towards the edge of the Tablelands, go up a bit higher, and then plunge down to sea level and Cairns. Quite spectacular.
We did it in good time, too. The group in the Trinity Beach hall was fairly small this week, as a number of people were away. However, this did not deter us, and we heard 2 excellent sermons, one of which was by John Kroeze. Matt Plug, cousin of Rev Joe Plug of Holland, was ordained as elder. We had the usual coffee followed by lunch and got to know and talk to a few more of the folk there.
View over Cairns from the Kuranda pass.

Then we went up the pass again and went back to the caravan “only” 69 kilometres away. We sat in the sun and drank tea. In the evening we participated in a quiz night in The Shed.

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