28 June 2012

Day 21: Exam-time! (22/06/12)

All a bit of an anti-climax, really. After all, I only needed 2.5% out of this exam to pass the unit. The questions were similar to the papers I had downloaded from previous years. One stuck out as a must-do: discussion of how Augustus managed to keep the Roman upper classes onside while radically changing the system of government. So I spent most of my time on that, leaving only half an hour for a question on Alexander the Great and his father Philip II.
Map of James Cook University in Cairns
In the afternoon we took the car in for a service at a place recommended to us by Claire Byl. The people there were very friendly and helpful. While they were doing the service we went to a nearby DFO where Joke was lucky to find a swimwear shop which had just the right swimsuit for her. We also wandered around a few caryards, looking at crew cab 4X4 utes and wondering whether we should be so bold as to...
Dan the repair man had an unpleasant surprise for us: the diff was rattling and some bushes would need replacing. We have the weekend to mull over what we should do about it.

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